Tips de Viaje

¿Planeas tu primer viaje a Cartagena de Indias? Descubre consejos esenciales para explorar playas paradisíacas, el encanto colonial y las mejores atracciones. Haz que tu experiencia en Cartagena sea inolvidable con nuestra guía de viaje.

Discover the top things to do in Cartagena during a 3-day trip, including must-see attractions, beach day trips, and local dining.

Descubre los mejores hoteles LGBTQ+-friendly, vida nocturna vibrante y eventos inclusivos en Cartagena.

In the exciting experience of exploring tourist destinations, it's essential for travelers to be vigilant and take measures to avoid potential scams that may affect their enjoyment and well-being.

Planning a Romantic Honeymoon in Cartagena? Discover a perfect 4-day itinerary featuring the best beaches, historical landmarks, and charming restaurants.

Encuentra aquí las mejores playas de Cartagena. La ciudad tiene una opción que se ajusta a lo que estas buscando: Diversión con amigos, descansar con tu familia o lugares tranquilos para desconectarse.

Discover the best things to do in Getsemaní and plan your visit with our top recommendations, including private tours, nightlife hotspots, and must-visit attractions.

White sand, warm water: There's a reason why Playa Blanca is a popular beach destination. Find how to get the most of this idyllic beach close to Cartagena

Cartagena is most well known for its beaches and colonial history, there are still things to see for nature lovers.